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Shadow ~ Part 11 Finale!


Hey all!

So, before you read the conclusion to the story, I just wanted to say a few words.

I Loved writing this story. It was so much fun to bring together. But what I loved even more?

All of the support I got! All the comments, views and likes, I just really appreciate you all. You guys are the best! <3

So, without further ado, the finale.


Carly groaned softly as she came awake, realizing that if she was waking up, Carson wouldn't be.

Issa was snoring softly beside Carly's bed.

"Issa? What happened?" Carly asked hoarsely.

Issa snapped awake with a cry, "Carly! Oh, Carly, you're awake! I'm so sorry! It was my fault. There was an Empty and I- it- it got Eric and I just, oh, I didn't think. I set off the weapon, I didn't realize it was a one use thing. And now... they... and... gone." She managed to choke out before she began to cry.

Suddenly the facts penetrated Carly's tired mind. Carson was gone. He had died for the world, for them, for her.

And she began to cry too.

So the two of them sat, and shared eachother's misery.

"No." Carly sobbed, "Not Carson, not now."

Issa looked startled, "Carson? No,not Carson-"

"What?! Then where is he?!" Carly cried, hardly believing it was possible.

"Well, he would be here," Issa sighed, "but he hasn't left this room for two days, so I said I would stay with you for a while. He was very clear that he didn't want you left alone for a second."

"Where is he?" Carly repeated stubbornly, " I have to see him!"

"I don't think you'll need to wait long." Issa nodded towards the door.

Carson smiled. "Let's take a walk."

Carly jumped up immediately, but Issa pushed her back.

"The doctor said you need rest, you have a concision-"

"Issa," Eric said softly, "Let it go. The doctor won't know."

"I- but- I'm just- I'm trying to help." Issa argued.

While Issa's attention was diverted, Carly slipped away and ran to meet Carson in an embrace.

Eric took Issa's hand. "This is more important." he whispered, "Just let them have a moment."


Carly had followed Carson out into a sort of garden.

Carson took a slip of paper from his pocket and handed it to Carly to read.

It was a letter.

Dear Carly & Carson,

Both of you at different times, said your favorite time of day was sunset. Well, don't think of this as goodbye, think of it as sunset. All sunset really means is the end of one day and the beginning of another. Just remember you have to get through the night before you get to sunrise. Issa is now queen, and as such she may chose any king. Tell her from us that Eric would be a kind and fair king, and a good and loving husband. And tell Eric he'd better deserve her or else.

They will need all the support they can get as they rule the no longer divided world. We would like to appoint you two, to the position of royal counselors. Please, give Issa and Eric honest advice, disagree where necessary, but support them always.

We want you to know that we are proud of you both.

Take care of eachother and remember, when things are hard, night won't last forever. Sunrise is on the way, and it's always worth the wait.


Luna & Ray Prince

"So- you mean- but-" Carly stuttered. It was too much to take in all at once.

"Yeah. They touched just before we did." Carson said, "But now we know what we need to do. Tough times are coming."

"Yes," Carly said slowly, "But let's not worry about that right now."

"Remember that night is coming, but don't forget to enjoy sunset."

And so the sun set on, not two worlds, but one united beautiful world.


So there it is!

I hope you all enjoyed, and if you guys would enjoy it, I was thinking about doing a post about the smaller details in this story that I didn't really get to explain. Like a Q&A sort of. So definitely drop some questions for the cast below. :)

Thanks again for all the support! <3

~ Megan

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Diamond Stone
Diamond Stone
Sep 03, 2019

Ok, that makes sense! Thanks for explaining!


Sep 03, 2019

Thank you!

Yes, just like the weapon releases a large amount of energy, so do Shadow pairs when they touch. Mr. and Ms. Prince had sort of planned it so that they would touch first. Mr. and Ms. Prince are the first Shadow pair Luna and Ray, they were the ones who released the Leif in the first place. I never said they were married, Carly and Carson just assumed. What I mean is. yes, they're siblings. XD Nope you got it all right!

Great questions! Thanks. <3

Ooo, I'll definitely go check it out. :)

~ Megan


Diamond Stone
Diamond Stone
Sep 03, 2019

That was really good!

But wait, I'm still a little confused. So, when the Shadow pairs touch, that sealed the rift? And, Mr. and Mrs. Prince touched before Carly and Carson? Does that make Mr. and Mrs. Prince a shadow pair? But I thought Shadow pairs were siblings? Am I misunderstanding this? XD

Ok, questions for the cast!(I'm doing a Q&A on my blog too, check it out!)

Amelia, how did you like being in the spotlight?

Were there any pranks on set?

Which scene took the longest to film?

Was Megan a good director?

Which scene did you guys like to film the best?


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