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Here and There and Everywhere


Hey guys.

I have a bit of a problem.

(Please enjoy the random pictures I inserted. XD)

The other day I was reading through some of my old posts on blogger, and I realized my stories have lost something.

Something I really loved.

My stories used to have a sort of 'Little kid' feel to them.

They were more lighthearted.

But recently, I've realized, I've been stretching plots to make them longer, and longer till there's no plot left.

And those stories aren't any fun to read.

I've been having a really hard time coming up with story ideas, too.

I was working on a story, trying to start writing it.

Then I realized, the ending didn't even make sense.

Am I growing out of dolls?

I don't think so.

I do think I have a solution though.

Wix just isn't working out.

I'm really sorry about this, guys, but I think it will be better this way.

I've decided to switch my blog back to blogger.

That means, from now on you can find me over here.

I'm sorry about the inconvenience, but I hope you guys will be willing to stick with me through another change because, TBH, I love you guys. <3

Thanks everyone!

~ Megan

P.S. Yes, I'm not going to introduce the new girl. Not yet. ;)

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